iBlueHarbor is a data analytics service that uses hydrographic survey results and marine data to generate understandable analyses and recommendations for ports and their tenants. These reports address a range of port challenges, including vessel clearance, dredging, and loading. They are provided proactively in alignment with the port’s bathymetric survey schedule.

Brings the power of quick decision-making to the forefront of marine planning, maintenance, and operations.

Makes productive, periodic use of your professional hydrographic surveys without the need for GIS or other technically specialized personnel.

Illustrates a comprehensive story that offers a view of your marine activities, including dredge operations, vessel clearance, and vessel route planning.
iBlueHarbor allows the PCCA to view current surveys, evaluate shoaling/scour between surveys, determine vessel clearance for specific vessel footprints, and calculate dredge volumes. As part of the PCCA’s survey program, iBlueHarbor serves as a dynamic communication tool when dock users need clarity with specific vessels.